On 3/8/11 2:21 PM, "Ward, Mike S" <mw...@ssfcu.org> wrote:

>Why not FTP it?

Simple enough: Automating NJE transfer is trivial -- NJE is
fire-and-forget in that the system daemons handle routing, retries, and
guaranteed delivery (short of someone clearing spool for some stupid
reason). If you've got the NJE connection, it's really, really easy to do
this. NJE also doesn't require an active userid on the remote system to
transfer files, and it doesn't tie up your userid while the file transfer
is going on. 

Automating FTP transfer is a PITA, especially if you care if it actually
arrives and/or if you hit a problem mid-transfer. Out of space errors  (or
any other trivial problem) are hard to recover from in a FTP script

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