I am not sure about this, but I think it might be that the mdisks
get detached and re-linked, which would kill your SFS server
if they were TDISK.

See what response you get to:
#cp q v 301-305
immediately after the failure.

The reason I think I remember this is that years ago I once
tried to define the mdisks as slightly different addresses
than the ones in the CP directory (#CP DEF B301 301),
and ran into problems. IIRC the server wanted to be able
to LINK to the addresses I had given it.


On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 12:01 AM, Alain Benveniste <a.benveni...@free.fr>wrote:

> Hi,
> I tried to create a Temp SFS environment in using FB-512 VDSK.
> Part of my directory looks like this:
> MDISK 0191 3390 11 1 VM0HVF MR
> MDISK 0301 FB-512 V-DISK 64000
> MDISK 0302 FB-512 V-DISK 64000
> MDISK 0303 FB-512 V-DISK 64000
> MDISK 0304 FB-512 V-DISK 64000
> MDISK 0305 FB-512 V-DISK 64000
> The fileserv generate command works perfectly but when I do a fileserv st
> art
> I get:
> DMSWFV1117I FILESERV processing begun at 22:55:02 on 16 Mar 2011
> DMSWFV1121I SFS DMSPARMS A1 will be used for FILESERV processing
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing begins for DDNAME = CONTROL
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing ends for DDNAME = CONTROL
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing begins for DDNAME = MDK00001
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing ends for DDNAME = MDK00001
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing begins for DDNAME = MDK00002
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing ends for DDNAME = MDK00002
> DMS4PG3404W File pool limit of 2 minidisks has been reached
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing begins for DDNAME = LOG1
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing ends for DDNAME = LOG1
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing begins for DDNAME = LOG2
> DMS4PD3400I Initializing ends for DDNAME = LOG2
> DMS5FD3032I File pool server has terminated
> DMSWFV1120I File SFS POOLDEF A1 created or replaced
> DMSWFV1117I FILESERV processing ended at 22:55:52 on 16 Mar 2011
> DMSWFV1117I FILESERV processing begun at 22:55:52 on 16 Mar 2011
> DMSWFV1121I SFS DMSPARMS A1 will be used for FILESERV processing
> DMSWFV1121I SFS POOLDEF A1 will be used for FILESERV processing
> DMS5FE3040E File pool server system error occurred - DMS4FK 02
> DMS3040E  File pool server system error occurred - modulename nn
> Explanation: An internal error occurred within the file pool server. A du
> mp is
> taken according to the dump option chosen in the server startup parameter
> s.
> This is a system error.
> The modulename is the name of the module that detected the error.
> The nn is the error detection point within the module.
> The modulename nn is intended only for service personnel.
> What modulename 02 means ?
> Fileserv works fine when the MDKnnnn are 'normal' mdisk but not when they
> are defined as temp...
> Is it just possible to do that ?
> Alain

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