> Feedback: Reading Alan¹s answer, I thought to be unlucky,I changed my point of
> view in making  some tests by defining my MDISK 301 to 305 as 3390 T-DISK.
> I fall in what Simon talked about : fileserv generate cmd didn¹t see the tdisk
> and ask me to link them...  More ugly than my previous tests. I decided to
> freely Œsupersede¹ Alan¹s directives to go back with my v-disk and check again
> the directory...
> and I got a idea. I had copied a VMSERVx directory to create my own SFS user.
> VMSERVx come with a MACHINE XC  definition. I removed that line. And it works
> ! I am Œready for communication¹. I don¹t say I will not have problems later
> but I think to be on the good way.
> All that brings a subsidiary question : is it important to preserve the
> machine xc in the VMSERVx directories (I should read the doc I think...) ?
> Thanks to all
> Alain

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