Great Package Big Clóvis, we already using it ;)  Thank You!!

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 4:45 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi, friends.
> I put a new package on the zVM downloads page (my debut): *CLONEBKP*.
> See:
> I hope it is useful to you.
> For who will use it: suggestions, improvements or bugs found, are all
> welcome.
> Follow the description:
> "CLONEBKP is a REXX exec that create an IPLable copy (CLONE) of the running
> ZVM system.
> This package uses DDR to copy the specified dasds of a running zVM system
> to FREE dasds. After the copy, the new dasds are renamed to a new volser,
> based on a prefix (3 or 4 letters), and the exec updates the source and
> compile USER DIRECT into the new dasds. Also update the new SYSTEM CONFIG.
> The new set of dasds is a backup of the original zVM and can be IPLed
> without duplicate volsers.
> If DIRMAINT is logged at original VM, a new USER INPUT is also created.
> The new volsers (6 positions) are the prefix padded with the remainder
> letters of the original dasds, right justified.
> Ex. Using "BKP" as prefix, the new "610RES" will be renamed to "BKPRES".
> One file, CLONEBKP CONFIG, is supplied as a model how to specify the prefix
> and the Input/Output dasds. Is possible to keep several CONFIG files, with
> different configurations.
> Also, there are a model of one machine to test IPL in second level: VMBKP
> Best regards,
> ______________________________________________
> Clovis

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