It might be nice if you could tell CP to stagger its shutdown signals, but
I don't think that's going to happen.
That's what automation's for...
What about a combination of your approaches?
1. Put the NOSHUTDOWNSIGNAL in the SFS servers' parms files as you said.
2. Have VM:Operator (or your other SHUTTRAP thingy) first do the dmsrm stop
followed by a force if unsuccessful.
3. When RMSMASTER is down, or in the last 10 or so of your 300-second
window send the SFS servers a STOP command.

Mike Harding
z/VM System Support
(925) 926-3179 (w)
(925) 323-2070 (c)
IM: VMBearDad (AIM),  mbhcpcvt (Y!)

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 06/23/2011
02:09:45 PM:

> From: Marcy Cortes <>
> Date: 06/23/2011 02:14 PM
> Subject: RMSMASTR and shutdowns
> Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
--  snip  --
> We'll probably work around it by one of these things
> 1. Use CA VM:Operator to FORCE RMSMASTR upon message "HCPSHU6018I
> The processor controller has sent a shutdown signal with a timeout
> interval of 300 seconds"
> 2. Use FORCE if dfsmsrm stop fails with "DGTUDR2016E User not
> authorized to issue this command"
> 3. Put NOSHUTDOWNSIGNAL in the parms file for VMSERVS and VMSERVU.
> Not nice to them, but what would we lose?  Not much I think.

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