Well my first was at Asilomar in 86 (I think) or 87.  I remember Rich's
being there, but not you; though I do recall you from others.

Mike Harding
z/VM System Support

(925) 926-3179 (w)
(925) 323-2070 (c)
IM: VMBearDad (AIM),  mbhcpcvt (Y!)

> From: "Kent E. Taylor" <email...@stny.rr.com>
> I think I've been to all the Workshops from the first one at Waterloo
> through 1989's one at U of Arkansas.  I recall Maine, Wichita State,
> and Michigan State as well as Waterloo and Arkansas.  I think there
> might have been at least one more, but I can't think of it just now.
> Senior moment, doncha know....
> Kent "Mongo" Taylor

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