I worked  with Disaster Recovery for about 10 years. 
Some observations: "Real" DR are different than "Test" DR: the major 
factor is Time. On a real disaster you don't have time to think, to plan, 
to execute... And have a  lot of persons making "pressure"...
So, the tip is: use the maximum of automation possible.
If you have a MVS at the DR site, explore it.
From my experience, restore page volumes from tape is faster than format 
them. You can run several restore Jobs in parallel.
To be faster, you can start with a one Page volume and one spool volume, 
(according to Rick's suggestion: a small spool volume with only the SDF) 
After the VM IPL, you can add page/spool volumes on fly. 
Working with tapes, one VM can be live in less than 10 minutes, and you 
will got time to do the adjusts latter.
Good luck,

Rich Smrcina <>
09/08/2011 09:13
Re: z/vm page packs at DR
Sent by:

For your initial IPL at DR, you won't need your PAGE packs at all... yes, 
the IPL will 
complain. As long as AUTOLOG1/2 isn't kicking off lots of other machines 
at DR time, 
you'll be just fine. Then an exec can format the page volumes... re-ipl 
and all is good. 
You will need spool space, so you might as well copy it (or keep a small 
spool area 
available only with the NSS files, JUST for DR).

On 08/09/2011 07:03 AM, Crabtree, Anne D wrote:
> I currently back up all my z/vm packs (res,page,spool) via an adrdssu 
job on z/os each 
> Sunday. At the DR site, I run an adrdssu restore job for these packs.
> This method works fine, however, I’m wondering if backing up the page 
packs is 
> necessary? I was thinking that maybe I could backup only 1 page pack so 
that I can get 
> z/vm up and then just init the remaining packs after coming up. Since 
the page packs 
> are listed as cpvols in system config, would z/vm even come up if it 
couldn’t find all 
> of them? Seems like a waste of time to back them up…
> At DR site, we bring up a z/os “rescue” system in order to run restore 
jobs for both 
> z/os and z/vm volumes. Afterwards, our z/vm and z/os systems run as 
second level 
> guests. Maybe I need a “rescue” z/vm system as well?
> Just wondering what everyone else does.
> Anne D. Crabtree
> System Programmer
> WV Office of Technology Data Center
> 1900 Kanawha Blvd East
> Charleston, WV 25305
> (304)558-5914 ext 58292
> (304)558-1441 fax

Rich Smrcina
Velocity Software, Inc.

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WAVV 2012 - April 13-17, 2012 Covington, KY

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