I backup everything.
In a real disaster, you don't have a system's programmer.
Since you already have to document and teach how to do a standalone restore of 
the system packs, just repeat for the page/spool/tdisk packs.
Formatting and allocating packs is another source of errors.  And when there 
are errors, there are no system programmers to determine and fix the problem.


Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

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-----Original Message-----
From:         "Crabtree, Anne D" <anne.d.crabt...@wv.gov>
Sender:       The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
Date:         Tue, 9 Aug 2011 08:03:19 
Reply-To:     The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
Subject: z/vm page packs at DR

I currently back up all my z/vm packs (res,page,spool)  via an adrdssu job on 
z/os each Sunday.  At the DR site, I run an adrdssu restore job for these packs.
This method works fine, however, I'm wondering if backing up the page packs is 
necessary?  I was thinking that maybe I could backup only 1 page pack so that I 
can get z/vm up and then just init the remaining packs after coming up.  Since 
the page packs are listed as cpvols in system config, would z/vm even come up 
if it couldn't find all of them?  Seems like a waste of time to back them up...

At DR site, we bring up a z/os "rescue" system in order to run restore jobs for 
both z/os and z/vm volumes.  Afterwards, our z/vm and z/os systems run as 
second level guests.  Maybe I need a "rescue" z/vm system as well?

Just wondering what everyone else does.

Anne D. Crabtree
System Programmer
WV Office of Technology Data Center
1900 Kanawha Blvd East
Charleston, WV  25305
(304)558-5914 ext 58292
(304)558-1441 fax

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