David, CP doesn't need a PAGE pack to start: it can and will page in spool
packs when PAGE is full or not existent.  Only when spool is full too, then
CP dies.

2011/8/9 David Boyes <dbo...@sinenomine.net>

> This method works fine, however, I’m wondering if backing up the page packs
> is necessary?  I was thinking that maybe I could backup only 1 page pack so
> that I can get z/vm up and then just init the remaining packs after coming
> up.  ****
> ** **
> I’ve done it both ways. If you have flashcopy in the disk hardware, the
> “back up one, flash the others, clip the labels with DDR” is really, really
> efficient, and trivially easy to automate (at one site, we ran that way
> normally – made it really easy to avoid the “write one page at IPL on a page
> pack and then you can’t drain it” problem discussed here recently). Just
> make sure that you have a short delay in your AUTOLOG1 startup (or do the
> flash/clip in AUTOLOG1) so you can stop the whole system from initializing
> before the page packs are online – running out of page space during IPL is
> kinda icky. ****
> ** **
> You do need to back up a fully-formatted page pack (processed with CPVOL
> FORMAT) because you’ll get paging errors and weird horrible flaming deaths
> that are really hard to find if the pack is not completely CP formatted. *
> ***
> ** **
> Since the page packs are listed as cpvols in system config, would z/vm even
> come up if it couldn’t find all of them? ****
> ** **
> For PAGE space, z/VM is perfectly happy to come up without them (as long as
> you have lots of RAM or at least one PAGE area available). SPOL packs are
> the ones you REALLY care about having all the pieces.****
> ** **
> At DR site, we bring up a z/os “rescue” system in order to run restore jobs
> for both z/os and z/vm volumes.  Afterwards, our z/vm and z/os systems run
> as second level guests.  Maybe I need a “rescue” z/vm system as well?  ***
> *
> ** **
> We do it the other way around – z/VM first, then z/OS and the other guests.
> A 1 pack z/VM system is very quick to restore and will let you bring up
> multiple z/OS guest systems and the restore will go much easier.  With a
> little thought, you can automate the whole process with an exec – it leads
> to lots of amusement during DR when you load 1 or 2 tapes, IPL VM and just
> sit there drinking coffee while everyone else does fire-drill. 8-)****

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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