On Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 12:00:18PM -0500, Karen Thomas wrote:
> >>>> originally yes, i think, but we have gudmar as an example from holar.
> does anyone else have any holar-trained farrier work to point to in
> particular?
> Check the archives.  It's full.  

then i must not be looking in the right place; the search "holar
farrier*" turned up only this thread and one single note from kvedja 
malin saying that icelanders go abroad to become fully-qualified farriers.
"holar shoe*" found this entire thread (obviously), judy just saying
shoeing isn't taught at holar, a thread on "high action tolt" where i
couldn't find holar at all and one on "breeding non gaited iceys" that
was the same.  can you point me at some other search terms or article

> And what about the long list of articles
> that Kim quickly dug up and referenced yesterday?  Many of those "gems" were
> written by Holar graduates I think.

how would i know which?  
> And, yes to Judy's question.  I DO remember the young American who went to
> Iceland a couple of years ago, and came back calling himself a "master
> farrier" when it was well-known he'd never ridden a horse just a few months
> before.

well, that's just fraud.  we occasionally have problems with similar
matters at my university, with people claiming affiliations and
qualifications they have not got.  it is shameful, but i think that
reflects on the perpetrator and not the organization.  if holar doesn't
claim to award "master farrier" standing (and gudmar certainly never
claimed mastership to me -- he just seems to shoe his own horses, and 
ingvar's message i found seems to say otherwise) then any person as you 
describe this american is obviously a liar.

> In Iceland, "farriery" seems to center around training.  

why do you say this?  it seems that kvedja's comment in msg #69482
says the opposite, that icelanders go to europe and "practice for many
years abroad".  (although the same note implies that anyone can act as a
farrier; it is not a licensed occupation necessarily, and i imagine many
people at least trim their horses' feet themselves; i've seen this in
the states as well.)


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