On 6/3/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are a lot of factors to consider.  How big is your husband?  How long
> does he ride?  Is he a good rider?  Will you be able to easily find a
> suitable saddle for him that will work on an Icelandic?  What kind of
> footing will you ride on, and at what gaits?

Listen to Karen on this!  What she is saying is so true!  I am no
lightweight but my husband is very heavy, at least 250.  He has a
stocky short horse with a short back that he had no problem with til
he got as heavy as he is now, and his horse doesnt seem to mind
really, he just gets worn out way way earlier than other horses on the
ride and when my husband would mount him he would HAVE to take steps
to balance  and you would see him stagger.  So my husband isn't riding
him til he loses weight, which is sad, he loves his horse!  But if you
were going to have any silly rule like that, I think if I went by my
Fox and my husband riding him, you could say a horse can carry 1/5 its
weight.  Because Fox weighs about 1300 and is 17.hh or maybe a little
less and he seems to not notice there is a big man on him in any way.
Also his back is long enough to hold the 18.5 inch heavy 30 pound
saddle my husband rides in.  But the 1/3 rule is bull.  Have someone
video when the person gets on the horse, if the back dips, the rear
end sways and goes down a little, the horse HAS to take steps to get
balance, then the rider is too heavy for that horse!  period!  and
even if he CAN carry the rider a couple of hours, it is probably doing
harm to him structurally...  I remember one time someone on a ride
made a comment about my husbands horse stepping while he mounted and
my husband said "I know I need to work on that,"  thats when I couldnt
bite my tongue anymore and on the way home I told my husband I could
see signs he was too heavy for Traveller now!  And he said he knew, he
had been suspecting it.  It was a sad day but I was proud of him for
doing the right thing!  but now he loves Fox and has two horses
instead of one :)
yipie tie yie yo

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