--- Virginia Tupper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So--what does that mean?  Am I confusing her by not
> giving the proper
> aids or cues?  Or is she just not capable of keeping
> a consistent
> gait?  Should I be trying to encourage one over
> others?  Which gait
> would be the best to encourage?<<

It means you have a very talanted horse, and if you
want her to be consistant in a gait, you need to learn
to be consistant, too.  Now, I've heard about some of
your lessons with your coach, and I'm not trying to be
mean here, but I really don't think that person is the
one who is capable of helping you sort out the gaits
and figure out how to cue for each one and become
consistant in one gait.  Does your digital camera have
video capabilities?  If so, get some videos and upload
them to You-Tube.  What I suggest is for you to say
what you are feeling during each gait, so when we know
what the horse is doing and what your body position is
doing, you can figure it out.  A multi-gaited horse
can be very fun and very educational.

Oh, do you have Lee Ziegler's "Easy-Gaited Horses"? 
If not, buy it today!

Susan in NV   
  Nevermore Ranch http://users.oasisol.com/nevermore/

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