even if a horse can carry 300 pounds, and even if they could carry it
all day without harm, i  KNOW most cannot ride balanced at that
weight.  I only say "most" because I know if i say "all" someone will
come up with "I had my great uncle roscoe who weighed 450 and rode at
Tevis three years straight on our Mini marec buttercup", never fails,
then instead of really talking about whats important, the weight
bearing limits of icelandics, it morphs into "there was once a man in
a village i once passed thru when i was 8 years old who could ride
standing in the saddle on his one wooden leg, his name was fred, it
was in barcelona, i believe"  then someone else says "I have been to
barcelona many times, its lovely there"  then someone says "I had an
uncle named FRED!  oh my GOSH!"  then another "my uncle named fred had

Then someone says "I have never actually heard any icelander
personally say from their own lips that they had any uncles named fred
so they must not actually exist altho I have seen on maps there is a
country named barcelona so i suspect, altho i am not completely 100%
certain since no icelander ever told me themselves, that barcelona
could possibly exist"

in the mean time all over the planet 350-400 people are hefting
themselves up onto little icelandic ponies with cranes and forklifts
and riding them helter skelter over hill and dale, tolting fiendishly,
yee ha! yee ha! slapping crops and throwing their hats in the air.
then after several have broken their necks someone comes on here and
says icelandics cant carry 300 pound people even if a 300 pound person
COULD ride without breaking their neck at the least spook, tho
icelanders wanting to sell horses say they can, (and also that
icelandics, not one ever, has ever spooked) then someone says that it
has to be true if an icelander said it but they personally never heard
an icelander say it with their own lips so they doubt any icelander
ever said it (how many icelanders do they know, one maybe two?)

My husband weighs a lot, i dont know how much but its at least 270
maybe.  according to the 1/3 their weight formula his horse should
carry him, but his horse has to stagger for balance when he first
mounts and when other horses are not worn out on a ride, his is.  So
the 1/3 their weight doesnt work either.  I have a horse that weighs
1300 on tape and he carries my husband as if no one is up there.  and
he is 17hh.  maybe height has something to do with it too.  But he
seems unaffected by carrying a lot of weight, but then when my husband
rides the ride is short, rarely more than an hour, and the ride is at
a gentle pace usually during the cool early morning hours.

if a rider is heavy they should ask the horse.  A horse gives many
many obvious signs when a rider weighs too much.  The most obvious
one---  altho they are a horse that will stand for mounting they MUST
take a step or two to regain balance when a too-heavy person mounts
and they sway, and sometimes their rear end will give away a little as
they step to regain balance.  Also excessive sweatiness and exertion
on a ride when all other horses are dry and not breathing hard.  then
later on- a wrecked back and pain issues such as bucking and bolting.

janice-- sometimes i just get exasperated and impatient
yipie tie yie yo

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