>>>> I would too (call it 3.5 years) and that is where I guess I may have
misunderstood the timing of training.  We don't start riding them until they
are at least 4 and have never had it be a problem if they are 5 or 6 or
whatever age.  I think it must have to do a lot with the economics of
keeping horses that they try to get at least some of them started and going
so they can be sold.

We've been pleased as punch with six-year-old Maja's progress under saddle
and with seven-year-old Svertla.   Runa ended up falling behind - not
because it was her fault, but because the heat made me wimp out and two has
been plenty to keep up with in this heat.  She's five, and I really can't
tell much difference in their mental "readiness"  between the five-, six- or

As far as what we've done with the three mares (excluding the actual riding
of Maja) I think 3.5 year old Ima is ready now.  I wouldn't see a problem
starting her with some light long-lining and/or driving...IF I had the time
when the weather is right.  (I had time today, but it was just too hot to be
out long.)  I also think Ima will be fine to wait until next year, and if
it's the following year, that will be ok too.

Do you have any of Bragur's babies there, ones who might be close to Ima's
age?  I'm curious about how Ima compares to her half-siblings.  She's just
plain old brown, but she's sure got a good mind - smart and calm, very
interested in learning, not scared of things at all.  So far, I mostly see
her trot, but I didn't see Bjola gait at liberty until she was about six.
I'm looking forward to starting her - I think she'll be great too.

Karen Thomas

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