On 9/19/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 19/09/2007, dawn_atherton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ----------------I wholly disagree with this.  There are absolutely
> > people who can, will and do change.  You will not change everyone.
> > But there are those out there who maybe have something happen and
> > they start realizing that there is a better way.  But alienating,
> > disrespecting, demeaning and undermining them and perpetuating
> > the "them versus us" mentality is surely not the way to get across to
> > some of the ones who may be inclined to change.
> But seriously, how long has Judy been providing information and still
> the trolls come on to argue?

And those are the ones that I refer to. Not the people new to the
breed who have been influenced by traditional riders and methods. Its
the ones who regard those of us into natural methods as lunatics who
don't know what we're talking about. Those are the ones who won't
change. So sadly, it IS going to be us vs. them, to a degree.

And Janice, I truly appreciate your lack of ego--THAT'S what separates
true horsemen from merely riders.

Robyn S

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