I just want to say all this has been a very informative "litmus test"
of the list(s).  For one thing, I am amazed at so many people who feel
the same way I do, yet feel alienated from this list, and these same
people, many of them, who agree with me on this, have alienated me on
the other lists.

makes me feel sorta ashamed for being bratty in my posts sometimes.
and I am gonna make an effort to not be that way!  And also it makes
me angry too, a little, so many people saying how they have been
treated bad here and I have been treated pure horrible on almost all
the otehr lists!  I mean horrible.  I have even been sent terrible
computer viruses, repeatedly, every time I posted to the world list
for a while.  When I went there and said so someone posted back that I
was accusing nice people of criminal behavior??

Anyway.  this is all just a huge eye opener.  I just see now there are
so many great people out there who dont feel welcome on this list and
I hope we can change that!  Thats awful, because I know how I feel on
the other lists.  And whats best for the horses should be all of our
highest priorities.

We should try and agree to disagree in a pleasant manner, and if we do
lose our temper, what could we do?  take it offlist or something?  I
dont know of a solution.  I just know anytime I would get really
insistent about a point, posting, trying to be polite and not live up
to all the accusations, inevitably people would name call, I would
fight back, someone would say I was a troll and I would just shut up
and go away and feel like Mic, like oh what the heck am I even doing
here!  But then I would not unsubscribe, and then i would see a post I
had a lot of experience I could share, and then here we go all over
again.  because it is like some people are just waiting for me to post
so they can attack.  One person is so sweet, never attacks, but any
time I post and she responds signs off with "going to bed now with a
terrible headache" like I have just ruined her day by being alive and
posting haha.

and that brings out my ingenious ability to be very mean while
hilarious at the same time, which some appreciate and with others---
it causes world war three!

I will make an effort to change me!  I cant change anyone else, but I
will try very hard to be better!
yipie tie yie yo

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