--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, "Wanda Lauscher" 
> How do you capture someone's attention if they are determined not 
> listen?  How do you shock them and make them sit up and pay 

I'm not so sure we can. Ugh, I actually went and read that stuff on 
Eidfaxi, it really makes me mad:), but at the same time, really, 
they are so defensive and trying to be insulting, it's really not 
rational. Unfortunately, I have actually heard things like this out 
of people's mouth's in real life, it really turned me off. What it 
seems like to me is that a few people are looking for status in a 
group, a "good" horse (one that costs a lot of money and does speed 
racking:)), that might get you into the group, and everyone else has 
ponies who are from slaughter lines:) These people are actually a 
little bit funny, just don't let anyone see that the emperor really 
doesn't have any clothes. 

I don't think it is either/ or/ like if I ride my horses with good 
horsemanship, they can't perform well. I think they can perform 
well, I don't know if I have any speedrackers yet, maybe not:) I 
don't see why a good fast tolt, rack, whatever couldn't be done with 
good horsemanship, I think it could. It's fun to go fast, I just 
don't want to see the harsh bits, and yanking, pulling, it's really 
an unattractive picture and in my mind takes away from the talent of 
the horse, it's so distracting. People who don't see it, they see a 
something good, well, I'm sure the spider crawl looks good to the 
TWH people who like padded up horses, they think it looks great, 
other people who aren't used to it are disgusted.


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