On Nov 15, 2007 2:20 PM, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If the reflectiveness of a white sheet is a factor (and I've never used one,
> so I won't comment), then we should REALLY think about the opposite: the
> poor DARK colored Icelandic horse who not only is wearing a natural-fur-coat
> by early September, but a dark coat at that!

I think it might make a small difference... Not enough that I'm making
all my horses wear sheets all summer. ;) If a sheet is good, maybe
wrapping them in tin foil would be even better? Shiny side out to
reflect all the heat off of them? What do you think? >ggg<

"Brutality begins where skill ends."
"Correctly understood, work at the lunge line is indispensable for
rider and horse from the very beginning through the highest levels."
Von Niendorff

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