> in his own environment (correct??) before you bought

Correct.  I took my chances. I did see a video. She
made it look easy.

My confidence isn't what it use to be.  I don't if it
is because I am getting older or what.  I think I am
mental.  LOL> 

> questions.  Have you taken him for walks where you
> are going to ride him, or
> even just short distances out?  Are you able to pony
> him?  Have you done any
> clicker training with him?  

I have been walking him.  Today I did some walking and
finding treats along the way, away from home.  I don't
feel good ponying him off Scooter.  But I did the
other way around today.  He felt good with Scooter

> I think you said that if you carried a stick that he
> got worse?? Is that
> correct?  One way to use a stick that does not
> create resistance is what
> Peggy Cummings calls 'tick tock' - it is basically
> holding the stick in a

I think you are the one that sent me that article.  I
loved it.  It said that same thing about taping him
from front to back, right?  I am going to work on all
of this.  


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