>>>> Now we're really wandering.  I love this list.  We had a Kommondor to 
>>>> guard our dairy goat herd.  He was an absolutely amazing herd guard and 
>>>> all around best-ever dog.

Considering that Cary and I only use 2-3 dozen eggs per year, and let's 
see...I'd need a mobile hen house and fence, another huge dog...hmm, and 
added emotional stress due to potential coyote/fox attacks on the chickens 
I'd be bound to get attached to...?  And Kommodors/Great Pyrenees live what? 
7-8 years?   And they sell for what?  $1000+ each?  And the dogs eat how 
much...?  That sounds like an expensive way to get my two dozen eggs!  Oh, 
wait - didn't someone say something about having chickens donated to feed 
their dogs?   Now I'm confused --- do the chickens support the dogs, or do 
the dogs protect the chickens...?

Actually, we had chickens when I was a kid and I'm not anxious to go back to 
those days.   The bantam roosters would sometimes chase me, and occasionally 
a dog or cat would kill one of the hens or biddies, leaving me all teary. 
(Once the neighbor's dog got a whole batch of cute new biddies...) Oh yeah, 
I remember the HUGE copperhead I found in the henhouse one time - THAT was 
scary!  Chickens were not that much fun when I was a little kid.  And yes, I 
really do understand the phrase, "running around like a chicken with his 
head cut off" - yuu-uck!  No thanks!

Karen Thomas, NC

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