>>>she just ran past me and tried to kick my head
> off. I drug dog panels out to the arena and blocked the spots where it is not 
> a
> stud panel type that she was going to thru. I took off the halter before she
> hangs herself on something and tied everything down. I had a really easy time
> with my colt and he was an angel from Canada. Never been touched ever and
> came  to me and was dead broke in three weeks. She is very upset. 

is this your little baby Sylvia??  She is full of beans then :)  Bless
her heart.  One time at a boarding barn my husband was petting this
little filly every day and she let him love on her etc.  Then one day
she kicked him in his uhmn, "lap" and let us just say he is not real
quick to handle babies any more haha.  I guess they can do a lot of
damage with those little feet!  My Nasi was nippy as a baby.  I would
read all these posts about everyones darling icies, how perfectly calm
and angelic in temperament and all the while nasi would bite at me
like a little goat, bust thru all the electric wire at the boarding
barn and have furious stallions chasing him everywhere, would come
galloping from the end of the pasture right at me just to see if he
could scare me, would try and deliberately knock me down... I thought
I had bought a rare icelandic demon.  He still has a little demon
twinkle in his eye but he never bites, is very calm and mannerly and
is absolutely fearless.  He seems to have a sense of humor tho.  maybe
its me.  When my daughter was two I thought she would end up in san
quentin but she's an accomplished law abiding professional now :)
yipie tie yie yo

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