In this months Horse Illus., the one with the icelandic article in it,
it also has an article on how to deal with problem horses.  Did anyone
see that??  I didn't think it was a very good article. The photo where
she stops a horse from a sudden bolt by grabbing mane with one hand
and then jerking the other rein hard and high is an absolute 100%
gurantee for rearing.  been there done it got the tee shirt.  also it
says in one picture she is seated perfectly and if the horse bucks
again she will be able to ride it out.  HA.  thats a good one!

also in the icelandic article, I dont want to step on toes or hurt
peoples feelings and I am SURE the person riding the icey is some sort
of goddess who walks on water in the icelandic community, but I dont
know who she is and dont care, she is riding that icey in horrible
HORRIBLE form.  and I aint even that great a judge of riding form.
But I can see she isnt with the horse in any way shape or form.

Just my negative .02 Cents worth since i have a toothache and the flu
AND have to be at work today yiiiiii

yipie tie yie yo

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