>ANimal control will come out, drive throughthe neighborhood, of course the 
>dogs arent around<

I have the same thing at my farm, most everything around has been developed and 
all the wildlife and unwanteds come back to my place and eat all my small farm 
animals. If I am lucky enough to catch them in the act, I will shoot them, if 
not, I call animal control to file a report and at least get them to come 
patrol the area occassionally. I and my husband won't hesitate to shoot 
pitbulls, we have so many fighting rings around Maryland that most are breed 
and raised to fight so you can't take a chance on getting caught in their jaws, 
even animal control in this state won't turn over any of that breed to 
potential adopters in this state, only turn over to out of state animal rescues 
so they don't get put back into maryland circulation. I have come home many 
times to find dead poultry, cats, sheep strung out on the farm, just killed for 
sport of pack dogs, not even remotely chewed on like they were hungry. Really 
sad to see and makes one very angry to have happen to nice livestock.

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