working on MY balance had become a top priority for me.

We went out Saturday (not Tosca) with a group of endurance riders and came 
down a very long VERY steep trail.   Two of the women got off and walked 
downhill - bless them - because they had ill fitting saddles on new horses 
and knew it.   They're both saddle shopping.   Hunter's saddle really stays 
in place, but some of the other riders got off at the bottom and 
re-positioned saddles.  I suspect if you ride down a very steep descent that 
even a saddle that fits well on a horse with withers ridden by a very 
balanced and experienced rider could slip.  I think that's why some 
endurance riders with round-backed low-withered horses use them.  It's not 
for side to side stability.  It's to keep the saddle from ending up on the 
horse's neck.


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