On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> >  One of the cute
> phrases on that site was, "The solution to polution is dilution."  In other 
> words, the
> bigger the pond, the easier it is for the pond to find a natural balance.  
> For that
> reason, the four-foot goldfish pool I imagined became an approximately 6x19 
> foot pond with
> two sections, a one-step waterfall between and a bigger waterfall at one end. 
>   It works
> great with VERY little maintenance.

Our pond is roughly 35' x 50', green and murky,  and since I know
nothing about ponds, I thought if I added fish (or maybe certain
plants?) they would take care of balance for me.

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