> We are just back from the fifth Expo this month and I am sorry to say that
> some of what I see as being taught as good horsemanship is IMO very high
> stress training methods.

I'm sure that's what is shown at the exhibitions because who wants to watch 
paint dry?

I think really good horsemanship training is too subtle and takes much too 
long to be shown at an exhibition.

Good horsemanship training is probably not good show-manship (as in creating 
excitement from the audience).

As an aside, I went out to weed-eat the back pasture, and Charm had to 
follow me down there, check out the weedeater, the can of gasoline, etc.  I 
tried to shoo her away before I started it so that she wouldn't get scared 
when she heard the noise.  She moved off a few feet, then stood there while 
it started up, coughing and choking (the weed-eater, not Charm), and winding 
into it's loud engine sound, not caring, then tried to follow along.


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