>>>     I do think the conformation part of the evaluation  is helpful.  It 
>>> helped me to see what is considered ideal in our great  breed.  I do not 
>>> agree that "correctness of legs" is not really  important.  Maybe I just 
>>> don't know enough to  understand but being a  physician I know that 
>>> incorrect joints/back etc. will effect development of  arthritis in 
>>> humans.

I think you know plenty, Renee. We each approach things like this from the 
basis of our education and understanding.  You understand that from a 
medical perspective.  I see and at least partly understand it
from a "laws of physics" viewpoint that an engineer like me would have.  I 
see this the same way that I see ice tolts - that the laws of physics act 
equally on all objects, be they animal, vegetable or mineral.   There isn't 
one set of laws that apply to all the universe, but conveniently another set 
of laws that only apply to Icelandic horses.   One would have to be pretty 
naive to believe that...

Karen Thomas, NC

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