uhmn...  have any of you actually LOOKED at a donkey up close??  They
are cowhocked so bad their hocks knock and their butt sticks out about
two feet past their back legs.  They do a skittery little trot and a
canter.  I have all gaited horses that have been in with a donkey for
years.  Nasi has been with a donkey since weaned, and actually, its
his best playground partner.  he plays with that donkey for hours,
most of the play running around and chasing each other.  Not one of my
horses has ever "moved like a donkey" one friggin step I beg your
pardon in fact i would say it is conformationally impossible.  if
there was a young icelandic there moving like a donkey i hate to break
it to ya, it aint the donkey making it move like that!  here is in
fact a video of nasi and our donkey playing and moving in unison.
Does nasi look like he is moving like a donkey even tho he is matching
him gaitwise in almost every way?  or maybe the donkey is "moving like
an icelandic".


People who have owned and bred walking horses for 70 years expressly
breeding for gait can tell you straight away you can't create gait by
putting another animal in with it.  Even the idiots around here know
that much!

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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