>>> I think there is more and more evidence that the 3 or 5 way shots are 
>>> not the best way to go - separating and spreading out the shots like 
>>> this is much better for the horse.

I've given five-ways for 20 years, and I know a bunch of people who do the 
same with absolutely no side-effects.  Over the past several (5?) years, 
I've cut back on giving all the horses five-way vaccines every year, but I'm 
still not worried about them for healthy horses.   If people want to split 
them, I wouldn't go so far as discourage it, but I know way too many 25-30+ 
year old horses who've had a bunch of combo vaccines every year for their 
entire lives who are thriving.

The only reaction we've ever seen to a vaccine was Thunder, to one of his 
early WNV.  Within a few hours he showed some minor neurological symptoms - 
dribbling urine, not retracting his penis, dragging his rear toes a little, 
but the symptoms went away in something like 12 hours.  He's had his WNV 
twice a year since, and never had another reaction.

Karen Thomas, NC

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