>>>I will too. I will say thank you god for my husband rodan who altho he is 
>>>impossi le to hold a simple conversation is nice to the animals 
>>>especially traveller.  janice

Now, Janice...!  I've had conversations with Donny, once while he was 
stirring the mushrooms for me for the spaghetti, one night during the 
clinic.  (So, he can also help in the kitchen...) I've also seen him be very 
nice to Stonewall, Jaspar, Tivar, Eitill, the dogs... He was also very 
gracious to Betty Sue the night she left him the present of the used coffee 
filter/grounds on his bed.  Donny is a keeper, and you know it. :)

Hmm, come to think of it, Cary threw that spaghetti sauce together late that 
afternoon while we were out with Liz and the horses.  Yep, I'd say we're 
both blessed!

Karen Thomas, NC

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