On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 11:42 AM Laura Atkins <la...@wordtothewise.com>

> The MP limits the volume of messages that a user can send out.  However,
> by signing even one message, it takes the responsibility for its content.
> This appears to be the disconnect. The MP takes responsibility for the
> *MESSAGE* - that message, sent to that user.

I think you've hit on possibly the most interesting part of this: In RFC
6376, we said "You're taking some responsibility for this message... and
oh, by the way, it could get replayed, and your claimed responsibility
extends to that case as well".  I don't know that we underscored the latter
very much then or since.

So to me, part of this hinges on whether we feel we need to remedy that, or
be comfortable pointing at 6376 and telling people to read it again,
properly this time, and seeing if the industry is OK with that.

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