On Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 3:14 PM Steffen Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu> wrote:

> And couldn't it become standardized that verification results then
> must be included in future DKIM signatures?
> So then a verifier inserts a RFC 7001 header, and that will be
> covered by a further DKIM signature.

Aren't you basically describing ARC here?

> And when a mailing-list or so changes fields, it could create
> a "DKIM-Backup: h1=b1, h2=b2, .." where b1 could be base64 encoded
> (gzip compressed), so that the original values could be restored.
> It should be straightforward and easy to handle this for the few
> headers like Subject:,From:,Sender: and not much more to come
> which are normally the culprit of problems.  And that to be
> included in a further DKIM signature.
> A DKIM verifier can then restore the original content and verify
> it accordingly.
> This all not today, but the road is not that long and winding.

Even if you could revert header field values to their signature-time
content, it's what's there now that gets shown to the user.  So if I have a
DKIM-Backup field that lets the original DKIM-Signature validate, but the
new Subject has a spam URL in it, then I'm using that signer's domain to
show you content they didn't intend.

It's the same problem, isn't it?

-MSK, participating
Ietf-dkim mailing list

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