Jesse Thompson wrote in
 |Just a quick clarification: 
 |You mentioned below that you didn't understand what ESP meant. I honestly \
 |have a hard time unraveling the nuanced differences of Email Sending \
 |Provider and MTAs, MSAs, MDAs, MTAs, "intermediary" and "forwarder"; \
 |all of which an ESP could be providing as a service, depending on the \
 |lens one looks at it.

Sure, why not.

 |On Sat, Aug 12, 2023, at 2:31 PM, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |> The only remaining option spammers would have is stripping DKIM
 |> entirely, as you say.
 |It's not what I was saying. If DKIM is what is used by ESPs to authentic\
 |ate message submissions, and the fallback for non-DKIM signed mail \
 |is to allow the submission, then certainly that is something spammers \
 |would leverage. That seems like an unlikely scenario since ESPs require \
 |other forms of authenticating message submission.
 |I was saying that the ESP would need to strip an existing DKIM signature \
 |if it is at risk of replay, and apply it's own pre-RCPT signature in \
 |its place (or at least add the additional signature if it knows that \
 |receivers will take both signatures into consideration and the original \
 |signature is not invalidated by the message modification). 

What the heck are you trying to say.  Sorry for that.
Why "risk of replay", what shall that be?
Pre-RCPT is a typo for per-RCPT?
Have you read the proposal?
You are fooling around.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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