I'd like to break these into two points:

1.  On whether to do rfc4871bis at all

I tend to agree with Tony that we should do a -bis to clean up the 
errata.  If scoped as such it should be a very brief operation, taking 
no more than 6 months.

2.  On whether to move to draft standard

While I was initially in favor of this, I am now uncomfortable doing so, 
based on the lengthy debate we just concluded about errata.  To me the 
changes made by the document we just approved were sufficient enough to 
warrant all manner of process.  What's more, in that process we made 
some conceptual distinctions that I believe have not yet withstood the 
test of time.  We are not ready for draft.

I would recycle at proposed, if we are going to do anything at all.

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