On Mon, May 04, 2009 at 09:26:15PM +0200, Eliot Lear wrote:
> On 5/4/09 9:17 PM, Jeff Macdonald wrote:
>>>> 2.  On whether to move to draft standard
>>>> While I was initially in favor of this, I am now uncomfortable 
>>>> doing so,
>>>> based on the lengthy debate we just concluded about errata.  To me the
>>> Qualified approval based on consensus gained in the -bis draft.
>> If I understand Suresh correctly, that the Standard draft would be  
>> based on
>> bis, +1.
> Confusion has set in.  One moves to draft standard when the proposed  
> standard has been stable for at least six months.  Given that we just  
> essentially updated it, we can't possibly claim that.

I wasn't under the impression that these were happening at the same
time. So, yes, maybe I'm confused.

Jeff Macdonald

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