On 5/26/10 2:04 PM, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> I don't know of a way to do that which doesn't require a trust relationship 
> with the mail list provider. If you have such a relationship then it's 
> relatively trivial to just not bother with ADSP checks for mail from such 
> lists.
Agreed.  Author Domains use "all" or "discardable" to help recipients 
deal any number of bogus messages.  Since Author Domains may have an 
interest in retaining trust, domains should also be able to indicate 
their relationships with third-party services unable to furnish 
Author-Domain signatures.   Perhaps ADSP "all+tpa" might better signal 
such an extension of trust.  Clearly, mailing lists represent reasonable 
examples of where sharing DKIM keys represents an impractical solution.
> I'm left not knowing what advantage there would be from a more complex 
> standardized approach.
A conservative domain would retain trust by limiting their 
authorizations to vetted third-parties.  A DKIM specific authorization 
scheme would give senders a clear voice in how their messages lacking an 
Author-Domain signature are expected to be handled.   With this 
information, recipients would not need to guess or to consult gurus in 
how a specific service's messages should be handled.  This burden would 
be placed upon the trusted sender.  DKIM specific authorization would be 
an infrequently used mechanism managed fully by those having the 
greatest interest in mitigating abuse that might otherwise obscure their 

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