>a) Section 5.1 currently advocates a warning to new subscribers to an
>MLM with a highly restrictive ADSP policy.  Should this be stronger,
>such as "a warning is advised, and full denial should be considered"?

Yes, since the damage from ADSP can affect other subscribers.

>b) Would it be a good idea to suggest MLM implementers make signing
>of submissions into a user-configurable option? ...

Since we don't have any experience, I don't think we should be telling
list managers how to verify submissions.  The text in 5.2 and 5.3
looks fine to me.

> I think there was some text in there already about the idea of
>bifurcating the list's output into a signed stream and an unsigned

What a bad idea.  The list's output is one mail stream, as section 5.6
says.  The current language looks correct to me.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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