On Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 6:22 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy <m...@cloudmark.com> wrote:
> Some offlist feedback I wanted to bounce to the list to gauge consensus:
> a) Section 5.1 currently advocates a warning to new subscribers to an MLM
> with a highly restrictive ADSP policy.  Should this be stronger, such as “a
> warning is advised, and full denial should be considered”?


> c) A “-1” to the idea of altering From: to cope with ADSP; the reason given:
> “This presumes endpoints will understand a DKIM-related From:-altered
> message.”

I must of missed that point in Daniel's thread. I hadn't realized that
the From would of been conditionally re-written. Today, endpoints (I
take that to mean MUAs), don't seem to have a standard way of dealing
with mailing lists anyway. So I'd say -1 to the reason.

Jeff Macdonald
Ayer, MA

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