Okay, we could put policy back in and state a malformed signature cannot pass 
and assign a weight higher than an unsigned message. Then the problem remains 
the same, is it error or malice. A dkim verifier is the wrong tool to do that 
particular job
On Oct 15, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Hector Santos wrote:

> MH Michael Hammer (5304) wrote:
>> And this is where I angst. In all the discussions of a broken signature
>> being morally equivalent to unsigned, the thrust has been that it was
>> likely broken in transit. We failed to have the discussion of it being
>> intentionally broken in transit as an attempt to game the system. For
>> header mutations after signing (which are likely to be a malicious
>> attempt in the specific cases we have been discussing) I feel that
>> treating it as simply the same as unsigned is ignoring the potential
>> maliciousness.
>> I recognize what Murray and Dave have said on this point but it grates.
>> The reason we are going through the exercise of creating a stable
>> identifier associated with a signing domain is because we perceive some
>> value whether it be policy associated with the stable identifier or
>> reputation associated with the stable identifier. 
>> To simply ignore this and say it is the same as if it wasn't signed is
>> kind of like saying 0=1.
> I view this from a Fault Analysis standpoint and the first thing to 
> establish are your boundary conditions and it is difficult to have 
> boundary conditions without a policy framework (or process expectations).
> Part of the modeling do include invalid signatures and we have shown 
> that you can fold many of these invalid signature conditions into a 
> single "never signed" condition.
> This why I continue to have a problem with the 4871 "policy" of 
> transforming an invalid state point to never signed state point.  It 
> was fine when POLICY was still part of the framework. When we insisted 
> on separating the two, that 4871 inherent policy should of been removed.
> This is not the first time, but I would love to re-issue the 
> suggestion to remove that statement from 4871 iff we want to continue 
> to separate policy into another layer.  In that case, the higher layer 
> needs all trace information available.
> The difference is that there is higher weight with deterministic 
> boundary conditions when there is no real signature vs the 
> indeterminate conditions with failed signatures.  But depending on the 
> domain expectation, these failed conditions can be folder to the no 
> signature condition.
> I always come back to an image of an old patented idea of using a 
> perfect circle to represent the optimal boundary conditions for a 
> process.  When that circle is skewed, you are off the optimal plane. 
> It may not represent an emergency, but there is a "shape" or limits 
> that tells you something is not right and alerts need to be signaled.
> For DKIM, we can only do this with Domain Expectations to help 
> verifiers and local policy be molded.
> -- 
> Hector Santos, CTO
> http://www.santronics.com
> http://santronics.blogspot.com
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