FWIW, the telnet mail interface typo fix should be:

       telnet bbs.winserver.com


Hector Santos wrote:

> I'm a MUA author of BOTH types and people forget that there are TWO 
> kinds here.  We have:
>     Console based Mail Reader/Writers Online Interface (Dialup/Telnet)
>          telnet bbs.wisnerver.com
>          or
>          305-248-7815
>     A Frontend Native GUI ONLINE Interface
>          http://www.winserver.com/public/wcnavigator.wct
>     A Frontend Web-based ONLINE Interface
>          http://www.winserver.com  (you have to log in)
>     Two QWK, RFC 822/2822/5322 Offline Mail Reader/Writers:
>          http://www.santronics.com/products/olx/index.php
>          http://www.santronics.com/products/sxpress/index.php
>     Two Administrator Report Reader/Writer Online Interfaces
>          http://www.santronics.com/products/pxpress/index.php
>     A Outlook Exchange Component
>          http://www.santronics.com/products/winserver/Exchange.php
> And very important
>      NNTP (News) and POP3 (Email) Mail Servers to support ALL RFC
>      based Store and forward offline mail reader/writers.
> All MUAs, including are feed by the backend.  It is the BACKEND that 
> feeds the children what it will eat (see).   We can ALTER and DO 
> whatever we please to give whatever the ILLUSION we want the MUA to see.
> This issue is a BACKEND issue whether we want to deal with it at a:
>     MSA    Authenticated Submission (For Local or Remote User/Relay)
>     MDA    Non-Authenticated Submission to LOCAL USER ONLY
> or at some DKIM integrated component.
> To assume that this is should be PUSHED first to MUAs is BAD 
> engineering and NAIVE.
> But that doesn't mean they don't have to look for it just in case an 
> 3rd party interface software (like an RFC-based mail/writer) whats to 
> make sure that all backends are correct.
> So as I said in an earlier post, technically, all parts need to deal 
> with this but more so the DKIM API because this is part of their 
> "Reason For Living" in the first place - mail integrity.
> Its like a Neighborhood Watch Program vs Real Cops.  Everyone will 
> need to deal with it.  But the BACKEND is the #1 place to deal with 
> this especially for systems that only have Online Interface devices 
> and/or Legacy Online or Offline mail readers who require (and don't 
> even think about it) that the backend "mommy" give them clean food to 
> eat - not poison, dirty food.

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