On 10/18/10 12:18 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> >> This is no more presumptuous than expecting that MUAs will adapt
> >> to consume the output of DKIM as it stands now.
>  In another message I indicated that I don't presume either, but
>  assert that there's no middle ground; they will or they won't. If
>  they will, informative text is sufficient; if they won't, then we
>  have to start hardening MTAs to defend against MUA attacks because
>  that's where header changes and other enforcements are possible
>  since, by definition, any current annotations are invisible and will
>  stay that way.
>  I'm fine with accepting either model, but we have to understand the
>  implications of picking one. The latter, in particular, involves
>  some major scope creep.

Should the charter of a security related protocol need to anticipate 
minor modifications to a verification process, that appears essential 
for ensuring a DKIM signature is not inappropriately associated with an 
incorrect From header field?

Rather than expecting changes to a plethora of consumers of DKIM 
results, which might be used for sorting or display, ensuring PERMFAIL 
occurs whenever replicate From header fields are detected ensures DKIM 
will not be complicit in deceiving consumers of its results.

Adding such a check represents a normative change to DKIM, since it can 
not be just advisory warnings to DKIM's consumers that suggests when 
DKIM results should be ignored.

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