On 11/22/10 9:25 AM, Steve Atkins wrote:
> ...
> But if you're trying to stop mail that's being sent by a bad
> actor... give up on this approach, as it's trivial to add a "fake"
> DKIM header that will not authenticate.
> Also, it may discard quite a bit
> of legitimate email, if any of your users subscribe to mailing
> lists (some mailing list managers are likely to strip out
> DKIM headers in the cases where they know they'll invalidate
> them).
Agreed. DKIM does not offer a comprehensive method to qualify the source 
of a message.  Extensions, such as the TPA-Label scheme, could extend 
signing policy to include other authentication and authorization methods 
and retain delivery integrity.  ADSP using just DKIM is likely to cause 
a significant loss of legitimate email, especially when DISCARDABLE is 

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