Hi Dave,

Yes - percentages of the total "Failed SPF" traffic, which is good and bad. A 
larger number like 50% of total traffic would be more comforting, but in that 
1.5% we don't see the same magnitude of high-volume sender dominance as we 
otherwise would. Distinct domain breakdown is among the other analyses in 
progress that I'll share once complete.

As a side note, for the very reason that a few senders dominate, we always try 
to look at the numbers with them and without them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave CROCKER [mailto:d...@dcrocker.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 11:01 AM
To: Paul Midgen
Cc: ietf-dkim@mipassoc.org
Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] ADSP stats

On 4/27/2011 10:20 AM, Paul Midgen wrote:\
> We check ADSP every time we run DKIM and see the following policy 
> distribution:
> 97.98% "unknown" (including domains not explicitly publishing policy) 
> 2% "discardable"
> 0.02% "all"


Cool.  Thanks for sending that detailed note.

Are the percentages for total message traffic or are they for distinct From: 
domain names?  I assume the former, but the latter might be significant too.

The distinction could be useful because of how skewed the distribution of 
volume is, given the smaller number of very large senders.


   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking

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