On 07/Jul/11 16:13, Dave CROCKER wrote:
> On 7/7/2011 6:57 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>>> I'd s/to be liberal/to be exceedingly liberal/ (we don't want to revise
>>> Postel's statement, do we?)
>> You're either liberal in your application of the RFCs, or you're not.  I
>> don't see how adding that word improves things here.
> well, it keeps the thread going...

You /have/ to be liberal, but that can be limited in degree and in
time.  An app must be liberal in what it accepts, not only because a
specification is subject to some variance in interpretation, but also
because of unavoidable time differences in its adoption.  Since no RFC
can be transmitted faster than the speed of light, a host which
adopted an RFC at time t0 (see graph) has to wait at least until time
t2 before a compliant signal from a distant source may reach it.

 | time
 |             X________________t2 (RFC-compliant signals
 |             |\                   may reach the host
 |             | \                  from the distant source)
 |             |  \
 |             |   \
 |             |    \      .
 |             |     \    .
 |             |      \  .
 |     .       |       \________t1 (RFC reaches signal source)
 |      .      |       /
 |       .     |      /
 |        \    |     /
 |         \   |    /
 |          \  |   /
 |           \ |  /
 |            \| /
 |             \/_______________t0 (RFC reaches the host)
 |             /\
 |            /| \
 |           / |  \
 |\         /  |   \
 | \       /   |    \
 |  \     /    |     \
 |   \   /     |      \
 |    \ /      |       \                                space
    RFC-     host     signal
    Editor            source

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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