On Wed, 6 Jul 2011, Barry Leiba wrote:
> As Pete has pointed out -- and has he's adamant about -- the signer
> can't attack... that is, DKIM can't do anything about "attacks" by the
> signer.

Under the double-From: exploit Otis is so concerned about, one signer can
(given favorable winds) trick an end-user into thinking his message was
signed properly *by someone else*.  So indeed, a signer can attack.

Although I still don't agree with Otis' demands for extra language in the
RFC.  Really, his case would make sense if there was some squad of thugs
ready to force every mail-admin to implement DKIM, but only to the strict
letter of the final RFC.  Then putting that in might make a difference --
but so would throwing in a whole bunch of other unrelated anti-abuse best

In real life, however, if you don't have the power to demand that a
recipient mail admin block incoming double-From: messages, then you don't
have the power to demand that they deploy DKIM at all.

---- Michael Deutschmann <mich...@talamasca.ocis.net>
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