At 2:01 PM -0800 12/2/99, David R. Conrad wrote:
> > DNS is supposed to be a way to resolve domain names into IP addresses.
>As a hammer is supposed to be a way to pound nails.  However, when it is
>perceived that all you have is a hammer, it is amazing what begins to look
>like nails.
> > How else would one get an IP(v6) address from a domain name other
> > than by using DNS?  Am I missing something here?
>Yes.  The DNS has grown a bit from a simple lookup mechanism.


I think the point Charlie was making is that IP addresses are precisely
the kinds of nails that the DNS was designed to hammer.  Are you
claiming that because the DNS has been used to pound other things,
it is no longer any good for hammering (IP address) nails?


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