At 20:05 02.12.99 -0500, Peter Deutsch wrote:

>My question is still there - is the current mission critical nature of
>the simple DNS name->IP address lookup service having a chilling effect
>on innovation in DNS technology?

Definitely. And that's a sign of sanity.

>  The fact that people have proposed
>other services based upon this technology and they haven't flown may
>actually be a sign of that chilling effect, or it may just be a
>commentary on the services proposed. I don't pretend to know the answer
>to that, but given how often I've heard "the DNS is mission critical and
>can't be changed if it breaks the core service" I would prefer at least
>to have a "test tree" for exploring outlandish ideas. My own solution
>was to set up and experiment with independent roots, but can this work
>in a global Internet context? If I talk about multiple roots I suspect
>I'm liable to be tarred with a couple of pretty messy brushes.


OTOH, nobody stops you from running a set of DNS servers on port 53000, 
with resolvers in the applications configured to match.
Guaranteed noninterference.

                      Harald A

>I do think there's an issue here, but don't know how to broach it
>without appearing to be taking sides in the ICANN wars...
>                                         - peterd
>    "In other news tonight, General Franco is still dead"
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Harald Tveit Alvestrand, EDB Maxware, Norway

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