Fred Marshall wrote:

<> I continue to support the ideas:

<> 4)  Hard drives are quite cheap.  Populations are rising rapidly.  File
<> sizes have reason to be going up as well.  Pipes are getting fatter.  Right
<> now storage spaces are limiting and pipes/access (therefore transport times)
<> are limiting.

<Holds breath><counts slowly from 0 to 100 and then back to 0>

You seem to have entirely missed or ignored what has been stated a
number of times.  Just because you have more disk and fatter pipe
doesn't mean the whole "internet community" does.  One place I spend
a lot of time in Vermont, I'd be lucky to get 24.4 ... more likely
to get 9.6kbits. And never mind frame relay or ISDN, the squirrel
powering the switch can't handle the load.

And as was so eloquently pointed out before, that 250 buck 9gig drive
is two months pay in some not so minor parts of the world.

Please stop architecting, and thinking, in an affluent societal
context.  What we decide will end up being used +everywhere+

I think that Tim Dierk's idea has merit and should get some attention.
It's somewhat cumbrous, but than a lot of protocols coming out of IETF
are <g>

Reto L.
R A Lichtensteiger       [EMAIL PROTECTED] -or- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    "Yes, you're doing things right, but are you doing the right things?"
    "Nope.  I'm just doing something dumb fast."

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