Alan Simpkins wrote:

> This I can agree with, the next question that
> naturally follows then is is WAP the right protocol
> for a fixed wireless application,

I'm pretty sure it isn't--IIRC, fixed-wireless equipment gives
point-to-point links at something like T1 speed.

In addition, the fact that all your users are running over the same
wireless link gives you some maintainability advantages.  For example,
you can monitor their bandwidth usage en masse; and you have only one
link to secure instead of one per user.  Basically the same advantages
as sharing a T1 line among 100 people instead of buying 100 modems.

|John Stracke    | |My opinions are my own.|
|Chief Scientist |=============================================|
|eCal Corp.      |"Who died and made you king?" "My father."   |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|                                             |

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