-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Atkielski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: WAP - What A Problem...

> For some countries it is more feasible for people to
> use mobile technology than to try to put in place the
> fiber, and copper necessary to allow them to communicate
> using some of what might be called the more traditional
> methods.

If they are that lacking in mere wires, they probably aren't in a position
to profit from access to the Internet in the first place.  That is, if they
lack telephones (and that's all they need for broadband, or at least it's
the better part of the battle), why would they be surfing the Web?  First
things first.

> WAP, and mobile technology is a necessary component to
> the future of the global economy.

Countries without landlines are not going to be a part of the global economy
unless they upgrade in a major way very soon.

Actually this just reinforces my point.  Countries have no infrastructure at
all and already we are trying to sell them WAP.  Hmm.


I'm somewhat surprised. Are you saying that everybody should go through the
same evolutionary steps e.g. for the telephone system and not start using
new technologies as they become available?
Wireless communication, albeit typically slower and more error prone, is
both faster and cheaper to install (and thus much more practical) in several
parts of the world than conventional land lines. Furthermore, for good
reasons e.g. in Finland, a country where fixed wire telephony has been well
established and highly popular, the mobile phone density has already
surpassed it and exceeds 50 % of the population.
Erkki I. Kolehmainen
TIEKE Tietotekniikan kehittämiskeskus ry
TIEKE Finnish Information Technology Development Centre 
Salomonkatu 17 A, 10th floor, FIN-00100 HELSINKI, FINLAND
Phone: +358 9 4763 0301, Fax: +358 9 4763 0399
http://www.tieke.fi    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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